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La 1 iulie, ARTS a lansat versiunea noua a portalului asociatiei, care include site-uri separate pentru fiecare sector de activitate in care este implicata asociatia.

Siteurile, cat si, au fost modernizate si ruleaza acum variante pentru PC, precum si pentru tablete si telefoanele mobile.

Marti, 11 septembrie 2012 s-a desfasurat la Sofia / Bulgaria, Conferinta Nationala a NAFOTS, Asociatia Nationala Bulgara de Echipamente de Securitate. Evenimentul s-a inscris intr-un program de conferinte tematice pe axa Bucuresti - Sofia, avand ca tema de abordare piata europeana de tehnica de securitate – Amenintare sau Oportunitate. La eveniment A.R.T.S. a fost reprezentata de domnul Liviu Mateescu - Vicepresedinte A.R.T.S., al carui discurs a fost urmatorul:


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!
Dear Mr. President of NAFOTS Stefan Gankov,
Dear Mr. President of EURALARM Marc Chabaud,
Respected assembly,

First of all I want to thank our distinguished host for the invitation and to bring the salute of the ARTS to all of you.
I am also the messenger of the General Inspectorate of Romanian Police Department – who regrets they could not attend this major European event.
I want to congratulate NAFOTS association for 10 years of existence and working in the interests of its members and to wish also a long life and much success in the future.

As you already know, NAFOTS and ARTS are members of “Services section” of EURALARM, the European association of manufacturers and integrators of security technology in Europe. Along 40 years of existence, Euralarm has especially focused on developing and promoting high standards for equipments and on creating of a unitary European system for quality. (EQM)

The work and dedication of several generations of engineers, managers and specialists are behind those European standards, that today we are undertaking and trying to use them out of respect and consideration for our clients and for our work quality.

Now Europe is one big family, a single market, because the borders will remain only symbols of the past. Since 2006 we have a European Service Directive that recommended the development of standards for the uniformity of quality services in all EU States.

The establishment, about 4 years ago of service section of Euralarm, brought a balance in approaching and defining of electronic security systems quality. It turned out that this section was the missing link and we could not only speak of quality and performance of equipment but the service, more than ever now, in a European market, has an important role in all security projects. Therefore, drawing up standards of services, specialized staff training, their certification are important concerns for national associations and EURALARM.

Today's conference is part of a program of thematic conferences, axis Bucharest-Sofia, under Euralarm brand and aim to promote the European Services Directive and its implementation in the national legislation of the member countries. The project was started and supported all the time by the President of Euralarm, Mr. Marc Chabaud and by the President of Services Section Mr. Enzo Peduzzi and we thank them for this.

Coming back to our main topic, the exemption of „private security” from the applying the Directive has born a lot of interpretations and debates in the majority of European countries. What is meaning „PRIVATE SECURITY”? Technical activities such as designing, installing, commissioning, service and maintenance take part of the Directive or not ? What about the monitoring services, border field between technical and physical services? Monitoring (MARC) is a technical service and is included in the Directive or is considered to be part of guarding companies and is out of the Directive?

If the technical services are in the Directive the European countries must transpose this in their national legislation. Was this thing been done in the European countries? What about Romania? .. Bulgaria? And how was it done? There are a lot of questions and big hope to get answers today and in the future European forums.

In Romania we already have new application norms of the law 303/2003. (The law of protecting goods and persons) and we have in work the new law of „ Private security”.
ARTS has been an active member in issuing these norms. Now the European standards for security equipment from the EN 50130 family are imposed by law, as an etalon of performance for the components of the security systems. Being member of EURALARM, getting the international experience and vision have helped us to influence the adopting of these norms which will add, for sure, quality and responsibility in the Romanian security market.

I would like to mention the excellent cooperation along the years between ARTS, the Romanian Police Department and the Romanian Fire Brigade. Our main goal has been to increase the quality of the technical systems and services.

„The European technical security market – Threat or opportunity „ a challenging theme with implications for strategy of NAFOTS and ARTS members and for all other European players involved in the security market. The harmonisation of the European standards for safety and security equipment, the preparation of the European standards for services and what we will have to do for complying with their requests, how will ESD be transposed in the national legislations, what CERTALARM represents and which will be its future in an unique European security market are all very attractive subjects for debates.

Now, I want to make a very brief description of our association.

ARTS – Romanian association for security technique founded in 2003 is a national organization supporting the development of the Fire and Security industry in Romania. It defends the interests of its members and lobbys for a new law harmonized with current requirements of a modern European market, attracting insurance companies, costumers associations, other professional associations or authorities into a strong partnership.

Main activities of ARTS:

  • Professional training of the service providers, as well as safety and security systems users.
  • Dialogue with the control authorities
  • Mass educational campaigns in Fire & Security domain
  • Organize Exhibitions (Expo Security, Romanian Security Fair)
  • Drafting of rules
  • Drafting occupational standards
  • Evaluation of professional competencies.

Training and rising professional level of staff in firms have been among the main goals of ARTS. The first step in achieving this objective was the development of occupational analysis that aimed to identify specific occupations in this field of activity, then to introduce them in the Romanian Occupations Code - COR. As a result the following occupations were identified and placed in the COR:

  • Technician for detection systems, video surveillance, access control
  • Security systems engineer
  • Security system designer
  • Dispatcher for MARC
  • Risk Assessor burglary
  • Fire Risk Assessor

Parallel with the development and approval of the standards of these new occupations in partnership with National Council for staff training, ARTS has established and authorized ARTS-Training Centre. Here we organize courses since September 2005 for: Technician for detection systems, video surveillance, access control, and since June 2008 for Security systems engineer. Since March 2011 it has also organized courses for Security system designer. The centre has a body of 20 certified trainers, representing industry specialists, regulatory or academics authorities.

Almost 3800 students were trained in ARTS professional centre: 2200 technicians and 1600 Security systems engineers and designers.

At this point ARTS is in the process of establishing and authorizing a Workforce Assessment Centre. This aims of providing security systems companies employee assesment services to increase quality of services rendered, and why not the turnover of the companies.

Lastly, I would like to conclude by thanking again all of the related entities and participants for their efforts in ensuring the success of this Conference. I strongly hope that ESD will be implemented in various countries in Europe for achieving a strong European security market.
Thank you again and good luck!

Liviu Mateescu
Vice-president ARTS